el taller presents: Colloquium with Ana Cabana

September 27 11:00am

Dear friends and colleagues,

We begin the 2024-2025 academic year with an exciting event featuring Ana Cabana Iglesia (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). Join us in New York for a lunch-time colloquium titled “Las mujeres rurales y los modelos de feminidad de la dictadura franquista: construir ‘ángeles del hogar’ en los pueblos de Galicia (España).” This event, which is in-person only, will take place on Friday, September 27th, from 11am-1pm, at the Espacio de Culturas @ KJCC (53 Washington Square South, New York, NY). A light lunch will be served. If you are interested in attending, please register at this link or scan the QR code below by September 24th. Feel free to share the attached poster with your networks.

Keep an eye out for more details on our upcoming events. We are busy programming another event in the fall and two exciting events for the spring semester. Look out for future emails or visit wp.nyu.edu/eltaller for further information. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you very much, y nos vemos pronto.

Luke Bowe

On behalf of the coordinating committee

Abigail Balbale
Jordana Mendelson
Sarah Pearce
Víctor Sierra Matute
Ameya Tripathi

As our numbers have grown now that we begin our 5th year of el taller @ kjcc, we have migrated to this newsletter format to contact our community about upcoming events and other el taller news. We hope this new format will be more user friendly for our mailing list. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, please feel free to manage your subscription preferences below.

Ana Cabana 27 Sept.pdf1.35 MB • PDF File