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  • el taller presents: Publishing a Journal Article in Iberian Studies

el taller presents: Publishing a Journal Article in Iberian Studies

November 15 12:00pm Roundtable on Academic Publishing

Dear friends and colleagues,

Please join us on Friday, November 15th at 12:00PM for our next el taller event, Publishing a Journal Article in Iberian Studies. This roundtable conversation, which will be held on Zoom, brings together a panel of scholars to discuss both the intellectual and practical challenges of writing a journal article. We will cover topics including adapting dissertation material into an article, pitfalls to avoid, working with editors and with revision comments, and writing strategies. The event is open to all but we especially encourage graduate students and early-career scholars to attend. Please circulate this event information widely!

Our panelists are:

Simon Doubleday, Chair (Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, Hofstra)
Justin Berner (Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, NYU)
Pedro García-Caro (Periphērica, University of Oregon)
Julia Hernández (Bulletin of the Comediantes, Yale)
Therese Martin (Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, CSIC)

To register for the event, please scan the QR Code on the poster below, or sign up at this link.

Keep an eye out for more details on our upcoming programming. We are busy programming two exciting events for the spring semester. Look out for future emails or visit wp.nyu.edu/eltaller for further information. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you very much, y nos vemos pronto.

Luke Bowe

On behalf of the coordinating committee

Abigail Balbale
Jordana Mendelson
Sarah Pearce
Víctor Sierra Matute
Ameya Tripathi

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